Invelos Forums->Posts by Glyn |
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But...and there's always a but...when I sync my iPhone with the PC where the 3D logo is now reflected it doesn't show in the Collection list on the iPhone app unlike the built-in 4K logo does.
All 3D discs just show the standard BluRay logo although some show the DVD logo also if there is a DVD in the same case.
if I deselect the standard BluRay logo on the PC and resync it to the iPhone then no logo is displayed at all.
The built-in 4K logo works well on the iPhone but not the added 3D logo it seems.
Maybe this is one of those iOS quirks?
Thanks & kind regards, -=Glyn=- | Posted: Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 855 |  | Thanks greyghost...that's the image I liked & downloaded but mine was much larger at 70k 1863x1072 vs the smaller 3k 50x33 pixel one you posted!
Weird thing is when I saved yours and tried to load it into the custom entry for 3D it throws a jpeg error #54 and won't load in?
I tried a few times saving it in different places, renaming it but still no joy.
However I loaded it back into MS Paint and saved it out as another jpeg and this time it worked so thanks again! 
Thanks & kind regards, -=Glyn=- | Posted: Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 855 |  | Yup...that was it. Thanks Dave.
There was a choice of four different Invelos Default layouts; standard, hi-res, med-res & classic and although I couldn't make out the details in the thumbnails only the bare normal one seemed to resemble what I had before with the collection list pretty much full height on the left so I selected that and BOOM! All sorted.
Thanks again Dave.
-=Glyn=- | Posted: Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 779 |  | And another question from me...
I have somehow messed up my main DVDProfiler screen interface layout probably by a lazy drag on the trackpad or something but can't seem to get it back to how it was before.
I would think I am using the default layout as I don't recall having played around with View/Windows before but what I used to have when opening the program was my Collection window vertically on the left hand side and the title bar/tab list at the bottom had 3 tabs on it which left to right were;
Collection / Filters / Tags
Everything worked as expected by clicking on the other tabs with its window being positioned in place of the previously selected on but an inadvertent lazy draw across the trackpad somehow detached my collection window and left it free-floating and its entry gone from the tab list at the bottom of the window.
After much dragging, min/maximising/toggling View/Window on & off it miraculously reappeared in the tab bar and started working as expected but in doing so the Filter window now became detached and its entry removed from the tab bar!
How do I get back to my the normal display I've used for nearly 20 years now please?
The interface layout change is driving me mad and to be honest I never used the Tag window but at least I have now learned how to turn that off to stop it appearing!
Thanks & kind regards, -=Glyn=-
PS. Odd that I can post two new threads but still cannot reply to a previous post... | Posted: Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 779 |  | Hi there,
Not being rude by posting another thread despite not replying to @nanoron (thanks nanoron) in my last thread as every time I try to Submit I get sent to an error page but I have another question if you guys don't mind?
I notice DVDProfiler has great built-in logs for DVD, BluRay, 4K (choice of two apparently) but nothing for 3D?
I have tried downloading various logos and adding them to my Custom 3D Media type but it seems to me they must be too large in file size/image size/pixels or something as they seem to corrupt the editing screen I am working on and then don't display properly when I list my collection.
The built-in logos work great as you would expect but what is the secret to adding a 3D logo to be displayed in the collection list please?
Can anybody share or point me towards a logo that works properly please?
Thanks & kind regards, -=Glyn=- | Posted: Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 855 |  | Hi there,
Long-time registered user here but haven't really added any discs to my collection since 2010 apart from the two mentioned below.
It seems to me that sadly and for whatever reason Ken/Invelos seem to have abandoned this great program some time ago for reasons unknown. Great pity as I for one would have gladly stumped up more money to keep it alive but it is what it is and I am grateful that it does still appear to work.
Anyway before I screw anything up I have 646 discs in my online collection and on my iPhone and 648 in the PC desktop app so would like to update my online profile to reflect the two additional discs (I added a 3D and a 4K disc just to see how the DVDProfiler app handled the two 'new' formats) and would like a quick sanity check on how to update my online database to reflect these latest changes and then update the iPhone app to reflect these latest changes without screwing anything up!
I would hate to corrupt/damage/lose any of my databases as 646 is far better than 0
If some kind soul could clarify for me please in baby steps how to;
1. Update my online database to reflect the two new additions from the PC app 2. Update my iPhone app from the newly updated online database
And then going forward - assuming I can still add discs to DVDProfiler after all these years - how to update my online database from the new additions I scan into the iPhone app (which would I think double the size of my database assuming they are all recognised) and then update the PC app database from the online database without the whole thing tumbling down like a house of cards please that would be great!
Thanks & kind regards, -=Glyn=- | Posted: Topic Replies: 1, Topic Views: 753 |  |
Invelos Forums->Posts by Glyn |
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