Select your report but click Edit. Then select the content tab and select the disc information field. (the report I was playing with the field is called DVDDiscs1 and is in the lower half of my notes field display box. In the left pane, the properties of that field will be displayed.  Near the bottom of the list is a property called Num to Show. Use a value large enough to get all of the disc info you want. If you only ever want to display 2 discs that value would be 2, but for TV sets you might want to use a higher value. You might have to resize the field to show all of the information also, depending on its current size, and Word Wrap set to true will wrap the text in a box that is not wide enough to display all info on a single line. There is also a property for Divider, in my example I've used " / " I don't have a changer, but I threw location/slot info into a 24 proflie to see what I get. Note I used the Location prefix of " Ch:" and Slot prefix of " Slot:" note the space before the text to prevent running together with the previous data field. Here's a pic:  Hope that helps. |