Just thought I'd post a message here about Mediadogg's "BulkEdit" plugin. About a week ago (maybe less) I posted a question on the Tech. Support forum regarding doing an automated copy of release date to purchase date on my collection. I think this feature is extremely important to new users of DVDP who are scanning/typing in a sizeable collection (I did my 400+ in late December last year after purchasing DVDP). When you first scan your collection, DVDP sets your Purchase Date as the date you scanned the item. Normally this is fine for regular use where you scan each DVD/BluRay when you purchase it. For new users though who are inputting a large collection, they don't necessarily remember when they purchased the disc. For me, I've been collecting for about 12 years. But what I did know was that I generally got all my DVDs on or shortly after their release date. Why is this important? It wasn't for me, until I discovered the graphing capabilities in DVDP. When I graphed my "Purchase Dates", everything was listed in December 2008 (when I scanned everything). I thought it would be cool though to see the graph of actual purchase dates (or a close proximity). I'm rambling....  In my opinion, DVDP should have a feature when doing a bulk scan, for first time users, to set the purchase date to the release date. But it doesn't. Enter BulkEdit by MediaDogg. While it didn't do what I wanted, MediaDogg saw my message on the Tech. Support forum and PM'd me. He actually added the feature I wanted to his program, and within days I had a "beta" to try. IT WORKED! Saved me a whole lot of time compared to doing it manually. And I have a small collection (400+). Now I know that the year 2000 was my biggest year for purchases. Critical info? Of course not, but cool nonetheless. Thanks MediaDogg! Poo (Scott) PS - You'll have to ask MediaDogg when he plans on incorporating the change to the public release of BulkEdit. |