I love this app, just got it last weekend and I have already talked 2 more people into buying it for their collections  The 2 things I noticed that this app needs are Sub-categories and a way to group sets The Subcategories: Under the main collection it would be great to be able to have groups I can put movies into so that when I sort them it will only pull up what is in that group. Ex: Kids movies, TV Shows, ect. - Or is there some way I just havent found for doing this already? Set grouping: When I cataloged my collection I noticed that when I sort it Alphabetically (the only way I really sort it for finding things) it splits up the movie collections that are not a Box set (ex: The Fast and the Furious, the 2nd movie gets sorted under the number 2 since its title is 2 Fast 2 Furious - the new Batman movies are another that gets sorted apart) - I would love to be able to set up a File Under title for movies to sort by. |