Could anyone say, what is wrong with following code:
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
if (DP_MediaType="DVD"){document.write("<DP NAME\=\"IMAGE\" Width=\"450\"><br/>\ \;");} else {document.write("<DP NAME\=\"IMAGE\" Width=\"500\"><br/>\ \;");}
I can't get the front cover to show at all with that condition...
I believe "DP_MediaType" is the correct element to use here, but I can't find anywhere if I should look for string "DVD" or something else... As you can see, I would like to use cover width of 450 for DVDs and 500 for other releases (= Blu-rays) in my layout.
For blu-rays the layout looks fine with 500px width, but for DVDs the covers are too "tall" and some of my information falls "below visible screen". And before anyone asks, I want to use setting "width: 500" for blu-rays, because the image scaling inside HTML windows produces awful results with lower setting for blu-rays which is nowadays my "main" format, because I scan them to be 500px wide.
This is the layout I am using:

(click on image for a larger view)
In the main-window "Kesto" = Duration, "Tekstitys" = Subtitles (shows Finnish flag, when there are Finnish subtitles available, UK flag when there is English subtitles available with no Finnish subtitles, and text "No subtitles" (in finnish) when neither Finnish or English subtitles are available. "Katsottu" = Watched (date of last watched date). The italics text under original title is just an alternate (normally Finnish) title that I know of, for which I use Easter Eggs -field.
Filters window is easy to activate with CTRL+F and e.g. tags window with CTRL+T so I don't keep them actively open. All other information can be easily accessed with tabs on main window, so I have decided to keep the main view divided into just three sections: release list / main details / crew+cast as in here...
So, if anyone could tell me how I can vary the visible cover size depending on whether the release is DVD or Blu-ray, thanks in advance!