DVD Profiler Release Notes
, released
September 4, 2007
For prior versions, see the version history.
- Enhanced database repair to optionally preserve credits with images
- Implemented unlimited nesting of parent/child profiles (box sets within box sets)
- Added country of origin to charts/graphs, collection view and sort, and filters
- Added SteelBook, Elite, THINpak case types, changed "Box Set" to "Slip Case"
- Added Slip Cover checkbox for case type definition
- Improved peformance loading the Add DVDs window and switching filters in the Add
DVDs window
- Improved matching for profiles added by disc ID; now also tries to match default
locality first
- Holding CTRL when selecting OK or Cancel from the profile comparison window will
go to the next comparison
- Users may now be designated as 'Princial' users, and are preselected for watching,
- Integrated CueCat barcode scanner decoding directly into UPC entry fields
- New menu option DVD->Select by UPC, also integrated with Cue Cat scanner, although
any standard barcode scanner will work
- In cover scan edit, only changed image will be re-saved if changes are made to only
front or back
- Optionally show counts on collection tabs
- Subtitles now sort by language, with Commentary, Trivia, Other at end
- Save and load filter sets, hold CTRL to skip saving or loading collection type and
sort order
- New option to run a report with a saved filter set
- New option to embed a filter set into a report
- Option added for charts to operate on Owned, Ordered, WishList, or any combination
- Added 'not' selection for genre filter
- New thumbnail quality setting may be set in registry 'ThumbQuality', integer 1-100,
also increased default quality from 60 to 75
- Highlight added for the filtered cast and crew members
- Added DP_LoanDue, DP_CountryOfOriginsDiffer, DP_BoxsetContentsDiffer, DP_LockMediaType
to layout header vars
- Resolved issues with DVD Profiler Online synchronization which caused extraneous
upload/downloads. Due to this correction, the first synch with 3.1 will take longer
than normal.
- Corrected setup error that prevented installation with some nonstandard "My Documents"
- Invalid or blank date entry in loan to custom window will now default to the standard
due date
- Corrected SQL error when using runtime filter with other filters on the general
- Corrected errors backing up, restoring, etc with invalid dates and times
- When cast is loaded in main display, first non-divider cast member is now selected
- Increased threshold for image recompression during contribution; increased quality
of recompression when it occurs
- Corrected access violation after showing welcome page from menu, then selecting
- Changed high res image download to avoid transmission of registration information
- Corrected an error that could cause incorrect data display after switching databases
without reloading the program
- Blank date entries (purchase date, release date, last edited) will no longer export
an entry to the XML (was exporting 1899-12-30 or in some cases a random date)
- Corrected ampersand display for Personalize DVD, Loan to Custom, and Watched By
- In tags, corrected functions of Check All Children and Uncheck All Children
- Corrected Exception and doubled users when editing users from Loan to Custom
- Corrected access violation when showing disc location field and performing certain
- Corrected an error in the new menu item integration menu that caused it to fail
in certain cases. As a result, UPC should now show as an available field in the
collection listing
- Various additional error corrections
- Corrected issue which caused NTSC/PAL setting to be changed when synching with DVD
Profiler Online in some cases
- Corrected access violation checking/unchecking Adult Titles in mobile synch settings,
- Actor name format now works correctly with color code names setting
- Corrected a joining SQL error in the General filters
- AnyDVD check made throughout in case AnyDVD is launched after DVD Profiler
- "UPC not recognized" message removed when unchecking 'download from invelos'
- Selection of first non-divider in cast now handles more than one leading divider
- Editing studios from Edit DVD window no longer reverts studio changes
- Drop-down for studios now selects current studio properly
- Event notes now properly backed up and restored
- If filter is present that hides children, editing the parent no longer removes them
- When a profile is downloaded with no birth year, the existing local birth years
for that profile now remain
- Several additions and changes for translation support
- Corrected some filters on the general tab being unable to clear
- Title location now matching on correct sort title field
- Removed quotes from "true", "false" from several header var object creation calls
- Escaped quotes for DP_Studios, DP_Disc Location and Slot
- Corrected DP_AspectRatio for non-US floating point number formats
- Restoring a database while in details view no longer results in error messages