DVD Profiler Release Notes
, released
February 4, 2011
For prior versions, see the version history.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: DVDs marked as returned in iOS sometimes shown as loaned after sync
- Fixed: Very large (5000+) collections synchronize slowly or not at all
- Fixed: Ratings not shown on reports
Version 3.7.1 , released December 22, 2010
- If the program fails to load and stops while loading the database, the user will
be prompted to repair on the next run
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Media type sort resulted in a fragmented sort
- Fixed: Restoring a backup file could result in a hang
- Fixed: Images for users set in the desktop do not download to the iOS versions
Version 3.7.0 , released December 10, 2010
- Support for synchronizing with the iPhone/iPad version, and various enhancements
related to this, such as new/higher res collection type images, support for images
in the users database, etc.
- Implemented support for running command files when a remote database is open
- Added smaller Feature icons: right-click them to select this option
- Holding CTRL as the program closes now skips shutdown tasks including sync, backup
and running the shutdown.txt command file
- Profile files created from File->Create Profile File can now be used to add a profile
to your collection
- Reviews, links, and trailers toolbar added to movie pick
- Added option to test Internet shared server access from connections window
- Improved performance of the details list display
- Added check for proper shutdown, option to repair on startup if the last shutdown
was incomplete
- Adding items to an owned sub-collection will now auto-move them from ordered or
wish list
- Added file name display to the translation selection in Tools->Options->System.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Orphaned collection entries cause incorrect (usually very large) 'Owned'
- Fixed: Contribute prompt after changes made was not showing in all cases
- Fixed: Shortcut keys not functioning in the Add DVD window
- Fixed: Picture-in-Picture, BD-Live, and Digital Copy do not download from DPO correctly
- Fixed: Possible Access Violation downloading from DPO
- Fixed: Sorting by Media Type, Ascending shows "Media Type Descending"
- Fixed: Personalize, set currency type to non-default, leave value blank = huge entry
- Fixed: 3.1 audio tracks not displaying properly in audio track list: displays as
1.1 with no graphic
- Fixed: Load filter set button on Report Edit selected when Esc pressed
- Fixed: Production year displayed incorrectly for box set children in the details
collection view
- Fixed: Featurettes icon is always on
- Fixed: Longer collection type names won't fit in the credit info window
- Fixed: Saving of a filter set including the Children's genre results in an error
when loaded
- Fixed: Custom collection categories print as "Unknown" on reports
- Fixed: Ratings filter doesn't work after online profile list is refreshed
- Fixed: The description of the context menu entry "Edit Role" in crew section is
wrong, when there is a divider used.
- Fixed: Locality filter doesn't work when a tag filter is active
- Fixed: Crew entries in a section that follows a section with a group incorrectly
show as part of that group in the credit info window
- Fixed: Box set contents printing out of order when report run on flagged entries
- Fixed: Checkbox to restore the full users database also restores tags (tags checkbox
- Fixed: Editing problems when dragging/dropping/editing cast and crew
- Fixed: Media type sort does not group custom media types
- Fixed: Rating will not display on the custom collection list display
- Fixed: Setting review with mouse from DVD->Edit, Personal Information not functional
while cursor in the notes field